About Me

"Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down."
Kobi Yamada


Follow your heart ...

If I could leave my children with just one piece of advice, it would be ... Follow your heart and love where it will lead you.”

I've practiced this myself, and it has led me along some very interesting pathways -- one such path brought me into the life of a wonderfully creative man, who is now both my husband and partner, Rod Deutschmann. It has also launched me into a career in photography that only in my wildest dreams I could have imagined possible.

In 2006, Rod and I co-founded the San Diego In Focus Learning Center and dedicated our lives to teaching people how to do more with their camera than just take a pretty snapshot -- we guide them through message building and expressionism in their images, creating art along the way.
I have a great appreciation for working alongside our students. As they embark on their journey into honing their photography skills, I am inspired by their dedication and spirit, I am challenged by their thirst for knowledge and I am proud to be a part of their venture. The images they produce are signs of hard work; options learned and choices made; pain, frustration and a touch of triumph; a change of vision; and the passion they have for capturing what they see in their mind's eye. All in all, their images are a reflection of them.

And now, with our series of photography books, I am excited for the opportunity to share this form of expressionism with even more people, regardless of the equipment they may have. Creating art begins with the person -- and there is an artist inside each of us just waiting to get out.